Saturday, November 26, 2005



Anonymous said...

If you are considering opening up a hosted online shop, think long and hard before joining "websitedynamics", who own the "shoppingcartsplus" hosted sites.

Your online shop will often be down and today 14th Nov -06, my shop has been down for 24 hours with not a word from the hosts.

On other occasions they are often down for a couple of minutes ranging up to an hour, it happens several times a week, and when you send them a message asking them about it, they do NOT respond.

It's not just your shop which is down, their entire site is down, so you can't even use their online support to ask a question.

I am going to move my shop to "homestead" and hope they are a bit better.

Darren Robinson

Anonymous said...

I have had problems with them as well. Now two months after canceling my membership with them they are still billing me. I strongly urge anyone interested in starting a website or online business to stay away from them. I'm not very well versed in the alternatives, but certainly there are better services out there. I also had problems with my site being down and I now understand why they do not have a phone number listed on there website. When I first signed up with them they listed a number at the top of the page, but have since removed it.

Stay away from Surely anyone else will be better.


Chad in Greensboro, NC