Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Inspirational Thoughts . . . .

Untitled Document:


One of the secrets of happiness is to take time to accomplish what you have to do, then to make time to achieve what you want to do.
Remember that life is short.
Its golden moments needs hopes and memories and dreams.
When it seems like those things are lost in the shuffle, you owe it to yourself to find them again.
The days are too precious to let them slip away.
If you're working too hard, make sure it's because it's a sacrifice for a time when you're going to pay yourself back with something more important than money could ever be.
If you're losing the battle, do what it takes to win the war over who is in control of your destiny.
Find time, make time, take love, to smile, to do something rewarding and deeply personal and completely worthwhile.
Time is your fortune, and you can spend it to bring more joy to yourself and to others your whole life through.
Time is your treasure.
- J. M. Colter


Look ahead, and you will endure. The troubles and challenges you face today, will soon seem tiny and insignificant. Keep going forward, keep moving steadily toward your goals. Keep moving, and your dreams will become reality.
Every hardship you face, makes you stronger and more capable. Every setback gives you that much more determination. Every hurdle you get past, brings you that much closer to your goals.
If you look down, the ground you cover won't seem like much. Rather, look ahead. Your steps will seem light, your progress swift, and your burdens bearable.
Look ahead to where you're going. Keep in mind why you want to get there. Your dreams will pull you toward them, if you remember to let them.
-- Ralph Marston


It is not what we eat but what we digest that makes us stron"

Happiness and success
Success is getting what you want;
happiness is wanting what you get.

- Anonymous

Being powerful is like being a lady.
If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.

- Margaret Thatcher


Enthusiasm - is a reason gone mad to achieve a definite, rational objective.

Enthusiasm is inflamed by opposition, but never converted; it is the leaping lightning that blasts obstacles from its path.

Enthusiasm is the X-ray of the soul, that penetrates and reveals the invisible.

Enthusiasm is a contagion that laughs at quarantine and inoculates all who come in contact with it.

Enthusiasm is the vibrant thrill in your voice that sways the wills of others into harmony with your own.

Enthusiasm is the "philosopher's stone" that transmutes dull tasks into delightful deeds.

Enthusiasm is a magnet that draws kindred souls with irresistible force and electrifies them with the magnetism of its own resolve.

- Unknown


Trust is like an ice cube
Once it melts, it's gone.

- Anonymous


To get profit without risk, experience without danger, and reward without work is as impossible as it is to live without being born.

- A.P. Gouthey

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