Monday, January 24, 2005

Life is...

Life is ... the task of Managing our Liabilities on the timeline of Probabilities.

Life is …Finding clarity by way of elevating one’s perspective to a level that will afford him recognition of patterns that weave the canvas of life.

Making sense of what one sees on the face of that canvas depends on one’s ability to maintain proper distance and focus and consciousness of the attached meanings to the patterns from experiences of the past.

Life is ... "Presence"... Death is "Absense of Presence". To Be or Not To Be... That is our digital significance on the pixlated screen of life. For life to have resolution and high definition, it needs more pixles thus it needs for us to prolifrate.

Life is ... a vehicle, Hope is the "accelerator" and Fear, the "Break". Hope fuels life.

Life is ... the universal collective wisdom of living our parallel existences on the timeline of probabilities where all versions of us live our altered lives based on decisions made at a point in time. Faith is the channel that allows us to hyperlink to any version of us anytime anywhere.

Copyright 2005, Amir K. Harouni

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