Wednesday, April 27, 2005

IntelliContact Pro Email Marketing Software

IntelliContact Pro Email Marketing Software

Karma reading

Nodes of the Moon (Your Karmic Doorways)

North Node of the Moon in Leo

In prior lives, Amir, you promoted social reform and brotherhood, often at the expense of close personal relationships. Creativity was repressed in favor of work for the common good.

Your past live's goals were based on bettering the human condition, yet you remained so detached from real people that the goal became an intellectual exercise.

You have possibly spent past lives as a revolutionary, social worker, academic, or even a hermit.

You still take pride in being different from other people, Amir, and often will maintain your individuality at all costs.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others ...

Section 1:

How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others

Modest, unobtrusive, and often rather quiet or shy, you are a person who is content to be in the background or to serve as an assistant, in the supporting role rather than in the lead. You are quite humble in your own assessment of yourself and you have a very strong perfectionistic attitude, with a tendency to be overly self-critical. No matter how well you do something, you always see the flaws in it and how it could be improved. Often you will simply refuse to attempt something because you feel you cannot meet your own high standards.

Section 2:

The Inner You: Your Real Motivation

You are a gambler and an adventurer at heart, one who loves to take risks, to discover and explore new worlds, and to take the untried path rather than the safe, reliable one. You are an independent soul, freedom-loving, and often very restless. You need a lifestyle that provides opportunities for travel, movement, change, and meeting new people. A steady routine which offers much in the way of security but little in the way of space and freedom is odious to you.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Daily Horoscope .........

"You're a natural-born wanderer, and taking to the road gives your heart a much-needed surge of life. Pretend you're on vacation, go out and about and get your spark back. "

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Friday, April 1st 2005

Dear Amir,
Here is your single's love horoscope
for Friday, April 1:

Your astrological inability to commit is your fatal flaw. April fool! Your independence is an aphrodisiac to many, and the one who can challenge you and hold your interest -- well, it'll be out of this world.

Daily Extended Horoscope for SAGITTARIUS

You've never been famous for your willpower, self-restraint or frugality -- especially when it comes to surprising dear ones. Well, you're planning one of those moments now, and you're going to have to decide whether to respect your budget or follow your heart. It's easy to see which would naturally take over, but do at least try to find a happy medium.