Thursday, February 24, 2005

Element of Life

Energy (E) is the basic element of Life. Energy is not created nor destroyed. It just takes on different forms of manifestation during different cycles of existence in the spherical dimension of infinity.

Amir Harouni

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Daily Horoscope

The realm of romance is a little off-kilter -- it's a 'you say good-bye, I say hello' kind of day. If timing's everything, there's a whole lotta nothing going on right now, but your efforts now will be fruitful later.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Daily Horoscope

Your recent thwarted attempts to delve further into the philosophy of love can finally succeed -- insofar as success means opening up whole new universes of possibilities. Go deep and you'll go far.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Two Hot Fads Meet Online: Local Classifieds Do Blogs

Online marketplace LiveDeal announced a local person-to-person ad distribution network that turns any website or Blog into a unique and localized classifieds site in seconds. LiveDeal Local AdWiz (beta tested under the name LiveDeal Listings Creator) pulls from's 100,000 local classified listings across multiple categories and enables them to be republished on any website with just a few clicks.

Local AdWiz goes live February 15 on, and the company says bloggers and Web publishers can now tap into a grassroots network of P2P buying and selling to generate positive cash flow. LiveDeal manages the listings and the ecommerce transactions on the back-end, and whenever an item is sold through a blog or other website, the site publisher earns a share in the transaction.

Local AdWiz is Web-based and fully customizable. It requires no coding and takes only seconds to set up. Local AdWiz taps RSS technology or XML readers to continually update its listings with new items, ensuring fresh content on a by-the-minute basis.

The product was introduced at this week's DEMO Conference.

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Sunday, February 13, 2005